Light towers are used to provide the light
necessary for working at night. They can be
used in all kinds of construction sites, roads
and weather conditions. It is designed and
produced according to the place to be used.
It is divided into hydraulic and mechanical.
It can reach a height between 6 and 9
meters from the ground. Four side support
legs, which are opened on the sides, reduce
the swing and wind effect. The lamps
attached to the end of the tower can be
rotated mechanically or from below with a
joystick arm by 340 degrees. There are two
types of hydraulic ones. Fully hydraulic and
hydromechanical. In the fully hydraulic
ones, there is a double-effect telescopic
hydraulic lift inside the tower mast. In the
hydro-mechanical one, the first boom is
triggered hydraulically and with this reaction,
the other booms are opened thanks to
the ropes. Lifting in mechanical towers is
done with a manual hand winch
iki dingilli lowbed
üç dingilli lowbed
araç taşıma dorsesi
araç taşıma römorku
sal dorse
kapaklı dorse
tenteli dorse
yarı römork
midilli dorse
tank taşıyıcı lowbed
trafo taşıyıcı
jeneratör römorku
strafor römorku
askeri römork
konteyner taşıma dorsesi
prefabrik ev römorku
karavan şasesi
römork yedek parça
minik tır
mini tır
ışık kulesi
at römorku
kamyon römorku
atv taşıma römorku
döner dingilli römork
tam römork
car transporter semi trailer
low bed
container carry trailer
semi trailer
truck trailer
generator trailer
nato military trailer
light tower
car transporter trailer
car carrier semi trailer
tank carrier low bed
box trailer
open top trailer
tent trailer
2 3 4 5 6 axles lowbed
full trailer
box body semi trailer
turntable traile
turntable lowbed